Patricia (Pat) Bateman was born to Dave and Geneva Summers in 1949. Dave was a plumber in Cedar Hill and volunteer fireman from 1952 until 1984. Geneva served in the fire auxiliary, owned "Juanita's Café" in the 1950's and then cooked for the CHISD Bray Elementary and High School cafeterias for 30 years. Dave died in 1995 and Geneva in 2000.
In 1952 Pat's father built their home at 112 S. Main. She grew up on the town square with all the history and fun of a small town and remembers when the City Hall was built in 1961 across from her home. She attended Bray Elementary School, Junior High and High School in Cedar Hill which were the only schools in the city. She attended Mountain View College. Pat worked from 1968-74 for Fidelity Union Life Insurance- Dallas, Customer Service or "Complaint Lady".
In 1973 she married Boyd Bateman Jr. Their daughter Shelly Ann was born in 1974. Pat served on the PTA board and was room mom for Shelly through 11th grade. During this time she was active in the First United Methodist Church in Cedar Hill. Boyd, Shelly and Pat's parents were also members. Boyd, Pat and Shelly then became charter members of Christ Cornerstone Church in Cedar Hill.
In 1983, Pat began working for the Cedar Hill Library part time and then part time in Utility Billing working the window and helping customers. This position became full-time, but since it was a small town she helped with secretary duties for Public Works, Water & Street Dept., Code Enforcement, Asst.City Manager, and Fire Dept., getting knowledge about many things.
In 1987 she became Secretary to the Asst. City Manager and retired in January, 2012 as Ex. Assistant to Deputy City Manager Greg Porter. Her husband, Boyd, retired in September, 2012; her daughter, Shelly, has been with Arlington Police Dept. for 13 years. Pat plans to travel and spend time with her family&friends.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014