Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Outstanding Citizen - May 2011

Archie Hall was born and raised in Dallas.  During the 1930's when he was young he came to Cedar Hill with his parents to visit a friend.  He always remembered how beautiful it was and in 1947 he bought some property on the west side on the edge of the escarpment.  He loves Cedar Hill's beauty and small town closeness.

In 1950, while he was an engineer with Vought Aircraft in Grand Prairie, he designed and built his first home in Cedar Hill (population 1250 at the time).  One entire wall was glass panels overlooking the valley.  Word got around that a night club was being built and there was grave concern of dancing and gambling.

Arch is a member of the Cedar Hill First United Methodist Church and has two daughters, one son and several grand and great grand children.  Arch and his wife, Amanda, opened A & A Real Estate in 1972.  He promoted Cedar Hill at the National Association of Builders where all were amazed the beautiful Valley was here in the Dallas area.  In 1984 they bought the building at the southwest corner of Cedar & Broad in the old town square to operate the realty business.  This had been the home of Shorty Hood's BBQ for many years.
Arch was instrumental in halting the effort to turn 1200 acres on the west side of Cedar Hill into a seven city landfill.  It is now Lake Ridge Estates.  He went on to become President of the Chamber of Commerce,  Mayor of Cedar Hill, chairman of Planning and Zoning, Highway 67 Transportation Committee rep and Chairman of the 1984 Comprehensive Plan.

Arch enjoys life in Cedar Hill and the many friendships he has developed.  There is not much about Cedar Hill he can't tell you....from the escarpment, towers, lake, growth, preservation to Country Day.  Shortly after Amanda passed away, Arch semi-retired and sold the business to Clark Stephenson.  Celebrating its 30th year in operation in 2011 the business was moved to 909 W. Belt Line.  Thank you to Arch Hall for being such a great citizen and community activist in Cedar Hill.
(972) 293-3806
PO Box 1021
Cedar Hill, Texas 75106

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